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Interim Assessments Help Teachers Address Student Needs

Posted Date: 11/03/2022

Interim Assessments Help Teachers Address Student Needs

Optional assessment programs provide teachers data to inform their instructional practices.

Assessments are about more than a score on a test. They are an integral part of effective teaching because of the data they provide to support instruction. STAAR Interim Assessments are optional, online assessments that align to the TEKS and help educators monitor student progress throughout the school year. These assessments are available at no cost to districts and open-enrollment charter schools, and they are not tied to accountability. 

STAAR Interim Assessments use the same online testing platform as the STAAR summative test and expose students to the testing environment and accommodations they’ll interact with on STAAR. Interims are aligned to the redesigned STAAR blueprints, but the interim tests are shorter than the summative. Incorporating interim testing as part of a balanced assessment system provides teachers with important data on all students’ progress and identifies individual students who may benefit from additional support. STAAR Interim Assessments also include all the new question types that will be on the redesigned STAAR except for constructed response questions.

Learn more about the testing windows for STAAR Interim Assessments, the data teachers can expect to get from interims, and resources to support educators on the STAAR Interim Assessment webpage.

STAAR Interim/Benchmark Assessment Dates:

Nov 14th – Eng 1 Interim;  Eng 2 Interim

Nov 15th - 8th Grade Math Interim; Algebra 1 Interim

Nov 16th - 3rd-5th Math Interim; 6th–8th Reading Interim; US History Benchmark

Nov 17th – 3rd–5th Reading Interim; 8th Science Benchmark; Biology Benchmark