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January 13, 2025 Board Meeting Highlights

Posted Date: 1/14/25 (10:07 PM)

Comfort ISD News
Highlights of the CISD Board Meeting - January 2025
Dear CISD Community,
Welcome to our monthly school board meeting newsletter. This edition brings you some highlights of the school board meeting that was held on January 13, 2025. Our goal is to keep you connected and informed each month.
In this issue:
CISD School Board
School Board Recognition Month
January is School Board Recognition Month. The CISD board was honored with a dinner and special gifts from every campus. The district is grateful for their continued dedication to our school community.
CHS Students Recognized
CHS Students Recognized
Comfort High School recognized three students as the "Blue and Gold Stars" last night for being chosen as the Christmas card winners in December. Ms. Salinas, the art teacher, presented the students to the board. One student was also recognized for placing 3rd at the San Antonio Western Art contest.
CES Christmas Card Winners
CES Students Recognized
Three Comfort Elementary students were recognized for being selected as the Christmas card winners in December. One student was also recognized for her outstanding work on an essay she wrote about Christmas in Comfort.
CMS Christmas Card Winners
CMS Students Recognized
Comfort Middle School recognized four students who were the Christmas card winners in December. All cards were displayed for the school board to view. Ms. Luna, the art teacher, presented her students to the board.
Health and Safety icons
Information Items
  • Superintendent Dr. Munoz reported on the UIL Academics competitions that are approaching at the end of the month, the staff wellness initiative that kicked off in January, the revised March date for the next school board meeting (March 3rd), information about the board members attending Legislative Day in Austin, Texas, on January 16th, and recognizing the school board for their outstanding service to celebrate Board Appreciation Month.
  • Director of Academic Services Dr. Boothe gave a report about the the mid-year assessment data, mid-year testing information, the results driven accountability (RDA) findings, and the results of the "Read to the Final Four" challenge. The elementary school has advanced to the final 68.
  • The Taher Food Services Director Mrs. Esquivel gave an update that included the installation of the new walk-in freezer at the elementary school, the Harvest of the Month Program, and the United Taste of America.
  • Athletic Director Jay Rieken reported on the boys and girls basketball teams, the make-up of the teams, the upcoming start of the softball and baseball seasons, and the powerlifting meet that that will kick-off the season on January 18th.
  • Technology Director Jennifer DiGiacinto informed the board about phase two of the anonymous bullying reporting tool, the wellness contest registration, the lock down browsers, laptop setup, security camera work at the high school, and the data implementation work for new college and career readiness software platform at the high school.
  • McLemore manager Mike Wallace gave an update on the staff at each campus and their schedule of duties.
  • Operations Director Trent Wilson gave a report on the inspections that were completed in December. He indicated that all findings were currently being fixed to be compliant. He also discussed the maintenance that was conducted on the softball and baseball fields.
Board with Certificates
Information Items
  • Written reports were provided for all other departments and campuses. Some highlights of the written reports included a total enrollment of 476 students at the elementary, 235 at the middle school, and 350 at the high school. Each campus report included information about safety, academics, campus activities, communication with parents, and staff appreciation/community partners. Note that all information can be found on the campus weekly newsletters.
Action Items
Action Items
  • The school board tabled the adoption of the 2025-2026 district calendar. There may be financial implications tied to adopting a non-traditional calendar. To ensure an informed decision is made, we are currently awaiting more information from the Texas Department of Agriculture regarding any potential impact on the food service management company contract. Once we have a clearer understanding of those details, we will work quickly to adopt the calendar. The following is a link to view the calendar options information:

  • The second link is the staff voting results:

  • A high school English teacher was hired to fill a vacancy at CHS.
"Never Stop Growing... Be the Change"
CISD Vision: Excellence through Cultivating Hearts and Minds

CISD Mission: Comfort ISD ensures all students receive a premier education and exceed state standards. We desire excellence for all children; find and develop the individual talents of every child; and cultivate hearts and minds by teaching integrity and responsibility and empowering students with knowledge to develop into productive citizens.